The Link Between Inflammation and Heart Disease

The Link Between Inflammation and Heart Disease

You’ve likely heard a lot about high cholesterol and high LDL levels and their connection to heart disease, but inflammation is another factor to consider. In simple terms, inflammation is one of your body’s natural defense mechanisms, helping to protect you from...
A Day in the Life: Atkins 100

A Day in the Life: Atkins 100

Atkins 100TM is a flexible, easy-to-follow low-carb plan that allows up to 100 grams of Net Carbs daily. It’s perfect if you want to maintain weight, lose weight at a slower pace while having more flexibility with food choices or embrace a healthy low carb lifestyle....
New Research on the Nutritional Adequacy of Low Carb

New Research on the Nutritional Adequacy of Low Carb

Science continues to support the safety and efficacy of low carbohydrate eating, and low carb eating is more popular than ever. Despite this, misconceptions about the low carb approach and its ability to meet essential dietary needs persist. A new study aimed to...
Low Carb Diets Can Assist You Rapid Weight Loss

Low Carb Diets Can Assist You Rapid Weight Loss

Lo carb diets are the newest dieting trend, and seem to be effective. Here are some tips for following a balanced lo carb diet: Eat more fruit and vegetables, aiming for at least five portions a day. Include fruit at breakfast and salad at lunch. Reduce the amount of...
Maintaining a Low Carb Diet

Maintaining a Low Carb Diet

One great advantage of a low-carb diet is the fact that you will not have to worry about the amount of calories you take. Furthermore, you will not have to keep count and track of your calories. This is because maintaining a low carb lifestyle is all about the amount...
The Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

The Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

When you choose a diet, you want to make sure there are plenty of positive benefits beyond losing weight. You want to be healthier overall by eating in the manner the diet instructs you to eat on a daily basis. You also want to be able to follow the plan for life...